Composite Door Designer

Quality Policy

Nova Group Ltd and its directors and employees are committed to satisfying customers’ requirements and managing the business in an effective, efficient and productive way.

By doing this Nova Group Ltd shall continue to provide quality products and services to customers, whilst continuing to provide sustainable profit for investment and employment to its staff.

In order to promote a culture of:

“Providing goods and services that do not come back – To customers that do”

The scope of activities as stated on the ISO 9001:2015 certificate is:

The various activities undertaken at Nova Group Ltd are prescribed and recorded by carefully controlled processes (with supporting manuals, procedures and as required formal instructions). These are kept under review by means of auditing, feedback, analysis and the management review processes.

Nova Group Ltd holds scheduled management review meetings. At these meetings the context, risks and opportunities, strategic direction and the frame of reference of the organisation is reviewed and considered.

At the management review meetings objectives are developed and monitored to continually improve the quality of the products, services, management systems, facilities, equipment and resources.

The organisation and its employees are committed at all times to ensuring that the requirements of ISO 9001:2015, the needs of customers’, legal requirements and any other applicable requirements are met in full.

All of Nova Group Ltd employees are made aware of their direct contribution to the quality of products and services, the importance of complying to the quality management system and with satisfying customers’ requirements.

Managing Director

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